Lutheran Women in Mission (LWM)

What is LWM?
It is an acronym for Lutheran Women in Mission. Women (members and non-members) of the church are warmly welcomed to attend the meetings and activities of this Women’s Group. The Women’s Group is focused on helping various charities in and outside of the community as well as enjoying social activities together such as crafts, movies, luncheons, etc.  The women normally meet on the third Thursday of each month. Please check the monthly calendar for times and descriptions or contact any of the officers listed below to get involved and have fun!
To effectively serve several areas, LWM has set up “Circles.” Each Circle has a special focus. Women volunteer to help in the Circle(s) that makes the best use of their talents and/or areas they would like to help serve. Circles have a Circle Leader and normally meet monthly or quarterly. Feel free to contact one of the officers to sign up for Circle meetings!
Some Circle examples are:
Meals from the Heart – Provides a meal for Parish members when they return home after hospitalization.
Prayer Shawl – Women gather to knit and crochets shawls and other items that are blessed and then donated to those suffering illness and loss.
First Steps – Works with at risk children to help prepare them for kindergarten
Quilt – Women gather one two days per month to assemble kits and create quilts to be distributed to those in need.
Women’s Bible Study: Meets at the Church on the third Wednesday of the month from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
The LWM officers are:
     President:  Karen Flynn
     Treasurer:   Christie Ziebell
     Vice President: Karen Spilker
     Secretary: Ruth Detrick
For questions or more information about our LWM group at Lutheran Church by the Lake, please contact any of our officers.