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Prayer Shawl Circle

The PRAYER SHAWL CIRCLE is one of the most active circles at LCBTL.  Our prayer shawls have been given out for over 16 years.  We also make hats and scarves, baby blankets, chemo hats and mini pocket prayer shawls.  We have about 14 members now and are always looking for new people who like to knit or crochet or would like to learn.  Gail Oust and Jean Randall are co-chairs of this circle.  If you have an interest or would like information, please contact Gail or Jean through the church office.  (864-391-3000) 

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Lutheran Church By The Lake,  100 Twelve Oaks Drive, McCormick, SC 29835  |  |  Tel: 864-391-3000

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

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