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Options for Giving

Options for Giving to Support Ministry and Missions

At Lutheran Church By The Lake


Your willingness to invest your time, talent, and financial resources in being the church together matters – your generosity makes a difference! Below are ways you can make your financial contributions.


Make your offering during our worship service - Presenting our offerings during our worship service is an important way of acknowledging our role as faithful stewards.


Mail a check – If you are unable to be with us in person, you can share your offering gift by sending a check to:

Lutheran Church By The Lake

100 Twelve Oaks Dr.

McCormick, SC 29835


Online Bill Pay through your bank – Most banks offer a free service called “Online Bill Pay.” You can arrange for your bank to send a check to Lutheran Church By The Lake on a one-time or recurring basis. If you need assistance in setting this up, please call Candy Zimmerman, Stewardship of Life, at 727-215-5881.


Give Stocks Directly – Donating appreciated stocks can be beneficial to both the stockholder and the gift recipient. Talk to your financial professional to see if this option is appropriate for you. Then contact Eileen Hurlbut, our Financial Secretary, for the information needed to process this gift.


Giving through Retirement Account RMD (Required Minimum Distribution – If you are 73 you are eligible to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA, which can provide a tax benefit to you, and benefit ministry and missions at Lutheran Church By The Lake. Some simple rules:


1. You must be 73

2. It must be paid directly from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA

3. It must be paid directly from IRA custodian to LCBTL

If making a QCD sounds like an interesting option to you, please talk to your tax advisor first, and then contact Eileen Hurlbut, our Financial Secretary.

Lutheran Church By The Lake,  100 Twelve Oaks Drive, McCormick, SC 29835  |  |  Tel: 864-391-3000

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

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